PolyU Seal of Love Foundation Building Naming Ceremony 理大「正愛慈善基金樓」命名典禮
A Naming Ceremony was held on 8 December 2023. Seal of Love Foundation donated $45 million to establish the “Seal of Love Charitable...
Miss Dee Dee Chan's Interview with Tatler Asia’s podcast, "Up to Speed with UBS"
正愛慈善基金會董事陳子君女士應 Tatler Asia 邀請接受專訪,在 Podcast系列《Up to Speed with UBS》中,分享慈善發展的未來新動向,及如何善用科技促進慈善發展。 Miss Dee Dee Chan, Director of The Seal...
Chinese New Year 2022 Fortune Bag Distribution
新年伊始, 正愛慈善基金會準備了裝有罐頭, 餅乾及個人護理用品等的80個新春福袋, 送贈給香港健康協會「惠民中醫善堂」, 為有需要人士添上新年祝福。 For the celebration of Chinese New Year, Seal of Love prepared...
Fortune Bag Distribution to the Elderly ahead of Chinese New Year 2021
農曆新年,正愛慈善基金會捐贈100個賀年福袋予香港健康協會「惠民中醫善堂」,派發予長者及基層家庭,送上節日祝福及傳遞關愛精神。 賀年福袋內有罐頭海螺片、冬菇、臘腸、鮑魚麵、午餐肉及牙膏,為基層人士添上新春佳節暖意。 With the Chinese New Year,...
Protective Equipment Donation to Hong Kong Health Association
The Seal of Love Foundation continues support to local Chinese medical clinic (Hong Kong Health Association 香港健康協會「惠民中醫善堂」) in Sham Shui...
Food Package and Masks Distribution
Covid 19 has hit Hong Kong economy hard, particularly among the lower income group. In light of this dire situation, Seal of Love...
Supporting Gingko House
銀杏館是香港首間策動長者就業的機構, 為有經濟及心理上需要工作的長者提供就業機會. 成立於2003, 至今己有5間餐廳包括素食, 越式,傳统中餐和舊香港風味. 長者員工佔機構80%, 而他們工作範圍包括行政, 管理, 資訊科技, 市場推廣, 樓面和大廚. 疫情其間,...
Situation of Hong Kong Street Cleaners
https://photos.app.goo.gl/1z73p6o6pEhPbXwZ6 今天正愛慈善基金來到 清潔工人職工會了解多點香港清㓗工友情況並送上7,000個口罩和100支消毒搓手液以製作”抗疫平安包”. 其實在我們居住和工作的區域都會遇上街上清潔工友,...
Masks and Hand Sanitizers Distribution to Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Shum Shui Po
正愛慈善基金會透過 香港健康協會 Hong Kong Health Association和在深水埗的惠民中醫善堂為貧苦病眾送上口罩和消毒搓手液. 感謝一眾醫師和義工堅守醫護崗位, 共渡難關! We would like to express our heartfelt...
Masks and Hand Sanitizers Distribution in Elderly Home
雖然口罩供應情況有一點緩和, 但因疫情的持續令口罩繼續成為大家的必需品. 正愛慈善基金會上星期為陳昆棟頤養之家護理安老院的老人家和職員送上5,000個口罩和200支消毒搓手液, 繼續為抗疫出一分力! Although the shortage of face masks...